Zazzle also offers canvas prints of your work. Are Canvas prints from different from those on Zazzle?

Yes they are! Here are the differences:

Open Edition Canvases

Ships from the production company in Florida Ships from Zazzle factory, made by Zazzle’s printers
Not signed or numbered, Open Edition Not signed or numbered, Open Edition
Various sizes available based on image dimensions Maximum size 78″x60″
Only glossy finish Choice of finishes, glossy, matte, etc.
Stretched, gallery wrap-style, with black sides – ready to hang! Multiple framing and matting options, can be ready to hang!

To order canvases from – just visit the Fine Art Prints section of my site, and browse for the painting you’d like. You can shop by category or you can do a site search by keyword.

To order canvases from Zazzle, visit my Zazzle print store – click on the painting you’d like a canvas for, and it will take you to that image’s page. In the upper right hand corner, you will see a box that says “print options”. The first option is “Size” (pick a size), but after that is an option called “Media”. Click Media. There are four options, two of which are canvas – you can select Platinum Matte UV Canvas or Platinum Gloss UV Canvas – some folks prefer not-so-shiny, some folks prefer shiny. I prefer shiny =) Then you can add the framing or matting elements under the third option, Framing.